This year, 2021, marks the start of a process by which Price Western will achieve Net Zero Operations across the organisation.
Working with our partners and specialists, we will be looking at every aspect of our business in the light of reducing and/or off-setting our carbon footprint.
The first way-marker in this process is the award of our Benchmark Certification for our submitted carbon footprint. The future Net Zero scheme is designed to give organisations a clear pathway and support in their journeys towards the ‘Net Zero’ target.
More information about the future Net Zero scheme scheme is available on their website: Their mission is to:-
- Demonstrate to the public the commitments that organisations are taking in a positive light as we all try to reduce our carbon footprint.
- Engage and inform clients, prospects and supply chain providers what businesses are doing on the pathway to net zero.
- Educate and train along the carbon reduction journey to enable others to follow.
- Inspiring others to work towards a zero-carbon future, driving innovation and collaboration.